Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Put Your Good Pants On!

Some days, you wake up and spring out of bed. Your clothes are ironed and your outfit is neatly hanging from your wardrobe, waiting for you to slip it on. You made sure to be organised the night before so that the morning would breeze by without any hiccups. Because you took extra time to plan your outfit, you chose one of your favourite outfits to wear which always makes you feel well dressed. On days like these you put your good pants on.  And to be clear, I'm British, so I'm referring to your underwear!

You eat a yummy, healthy breakfast and then in your own precious time you skip to work. You see that cute guy or girl that works in your office in the lift and they smile at you which makes you blush. The rest of your day goes well. You're organised, you get your work done in a timely manner and have some productive conversations with colleagues. You feel good. You think you might even head to the gym after work. And then finally return the 12 missed phone calls from your Mum! What a great day you have had and you've really made the most of every part of it.

Then there are those other days! The alarm goes off late. You stumble out of bed only to find the cat slept on the pile of ironing, leaving the blouse you had intended to wear all hairy. Yuck! So you throw on any top and trousers you can find and a pair of old pants. You want to save your good pants for better days and nicer outfits. You go to have breakfast and realise you forgot to stock up on breakfast foods when you were in the supermarket last night so you end up rushing out of the door with an empty stomach. 

You get to the train station to find you missed the last fast train and the next train that you can get is not for another hour. Ahh! You finally stroll into work an hour late. Your boss is angry, you missed an important meeting. It is not a good day. You feel terrible. By lunchtime you are starving and fill up on junk food. Then after work you skip the gym and head straight home and slouch yourself in front of the television to procrastinate and feel sorry for yourself. 

Which day would you rather have? It's obvious, isn't it? We can't always predict how well our days will go and the events that will occur. But we do have control over our mood and state of mind and can increase our chances of having a good day by making sure that we are well organised ahead of time. Things may not always go to plan, but you'll feel much better knowing you tried your best. Start every day well and put your good pants on.

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