Saturday, 23 April 2016

You are Successful

Success is not merely about status, but also the path we have travelled to get to where we are today

There is a lot of pressure out there to be successful. To feel successful. Men and women alike are competing for the same job roles and income bands. Women are no longer expected to be homemakers but are instead if they should choose to reproduce, they must take the minimal time out of work and get back in line on the career ladder whilst making sure that they are keeping up.

In a relationship whether it is the man or woman who is earning more, there is almost always the presence of pressure on the person earning less or with the least responsibility. Why do we do this to ourselves and each other? Why have we among us created a culture in which we feel so pressurised to follow form and be 'somebody'? Equal rights are a beautiful thing but let's remember how we got here in the first place. Let's go back to basics. We are human beings and the 21st century is far from the way in which our long, long line of ancestors lived.

Let us take a step back. Forgot the pressure, loosen your shoulders and breathe deeply.  Now ask yourself, 'where did I come from?' and be honest with yourself. Did your family struggle for money when you were a child?  Did your parents separate? Were you ever bullied?  Have you been abused in some way? Were or are your parents supportive? Have you had to overcome any addictions? Was finance a problem when it came to education? Did you manage to get educated anyway? If you have answered yes to any one of these questions or you have anything in your past, which most of us do, that has made things more difficult for you, then you are successful.

I don't care if you're an ex alcoholic currently unemployed whilst you focus on recovering from your addiction. You are successful. You overcame your addiction and you will use the skills you have learnt to bring you more success in the future.

The journey's we endure are all so different and some have it so much harder than others. So do not judge one another on one's income or status, but on the obstacles we have each overcome to be the wonderful people we have become.

Congratulations on your success!

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