Monday, 11 July 2016

Silence in the Chaos

Life can get a bit too hectic sometimes. We don't see the hurricane coming, but then out of the nowhere we can be swept off of our feet. Your head starts to spin and you begin to feel like you are drowning in mental 'to do' lists. Your treasured assets that you have become so reliant on such as your car or blender or hoover decide to break down (often all at the same time!). A friend or relative might have said something that has upset you and it plays on repeat in your mind. One of your children might be going through a bad phase and keeps being naughty and testing your patience to it's limits. And then the dog gets sick and needs umpteen visits to the vets at god knows what expense.

You begin to crumble. Everything feels like it is going wrong. You've tried remaining optimistic. You've tried telling yourself "this I can deal with". But it seems that the list of problems just gets longer. Where is the light? You want to see some light. You feel miserable. You think to yourself "when is it all going to end".

Hang in there...

Life is life. We can reach for the stars, we can aim high, we can work on making our dreams a reality, but sometimes life just gets in the way. One negative event can spiral into more negative events and before we know it our brains have been taken over with negative thoughts. Negativity is like a contagious disease. Once it enters our mind and our lives, it spreads. When you are thinking negatively, negative situations are more easily attracted to you. Then, when you begin feeling angry about 'everything going wrong' it can be easy to project your anger onto those you interact with. You begin to complain and soon enough, everyone around you complaining too. The negativity disease is spreading like wildfire.

In order to regain control of the reins of your life, you need to break the negative cycle. And to do this, you are going to have to allocate yourself some time. Yes, TIME. Time is something many of us struggle to have enough of. So it's very easy to immediately think "yeah right, I don't have time to spare". But how much time do you spend trying to fix all of your problems? If you invest a little bit of time now, then you will save a lot of time later.

So, you have organised your schedule and given yourself a few slots of 30 mins - 1 hour. Now, what do you do with this time? You do...


You find yourself a nice spot where you can sit and relax. If the weather is nice, go outside, sit by a tree or a lake or on the beach if there is one nearby. If the weather isn't so good or you're not able to go outside, then make up yourself a cosy corner with lots of cushions, maybe a blanket and put on some relaxing music. If you don't have any, you can find a big selection on you tube.

Sit or lay in silence. Let your thoughts flow. If you're outside, listen to the birds and any other noises of nature. Just take some time to let yourself relax and try to let go of your troubles, your anger and the bad vibes flowing through your body. If a negative thought comes into your mind, push it back out again and replace it with a thought that makes you smile. Once you are feeling more relaxed, have a go at stilling your mind by not thinking about anything at all for a moment and simply immerse yourself deeply into your relaxed state. What you are doing here, is giving yourself a mini holiday from your life. 

Once you return back to your daily activities and chores, just be aware of how much better you are feeling. Now, you are back in control!

Allow yourself to be happy, allow yourself to feel free, allow yourself some 'you' time and give yourself some silence from the chaos.